Africa, Medical Missionary, Rebecca Hunter, SOZO, SOZO Dream Foundation, Transformation Stories, Uganda

Rebecca – Finding Purpose

Our “who” always precedes our “do”.

Identity is our baseline. Knowing who we are and whose we are will determine what we do. Once grounded in the reality of whose we are and who we are we are ready to discover that driving force that pushes our feet out of bed in the morning with a positive attitude of facing the day with purpose.

Our life’s purpose consists of the motivating objectives of our life. Purpose will

      • determine our decisions
      • influence our behavior
      • express our values
      • form our goals
      • produce a sense of direction
      • and result in significance.

Rebecca’s journey of discovery began nearly a decade ago. The person God created Rebecca to be did not begin to emerge until she echoed the words of a song that was essentially a prayer. The refrain sang, “make me what You want me.” This commitment was the beginning for Rebecca. Now, ten years later, she knows she is the treasured daughter of God. Adopted into His eternal family. And she believes that only God is able to define who she is. Not her past. Not her failures. Not her friends. Not anyone or thing other than God her Father.

Awareness of who a person is equips them to discover what God created them to do. And, at the end of the day, each human being needs to answer the question: “Did I do what God made me to do?” The answer to this question gives us purpose.

Every person needs to be the best version of who they can be. Each person was created to be a specialist in being who they are. No one can be you. No one can be me. We each have a place to fill in history that no one else can fill. Finding that sweet spot is finding purpose.

Last week, after Christmas break, Rebecca returned to Northern Uganda to resume her medical training at Kiryandongo Hospital. Along with the classes she attends she started her Surgery rotation at the hospital. She has already completed Pediatrics, OBGYN, and Internal Medical. This is a new realm of experience for her.

In her own words, “Starting this year rotating in SURGERY might be just the most exciting thing to me right now! And I’ve dropped every fear of mine down to the floor.  … some who have been on this longest ride with me fully know how I’ve changed my mind a bazillion times. From going into a nursing program to Physician Assistant back to nursing and some Nurse Practitioner thoughts to finally end up here in Medical School. Ya’all have been so patient! Here I am back in Uganda because I wanted to practice medicine in Uganda and be able to do surgeries but none of those USA programs would’ve allowed me.

This daughter of mine is over the moon excited about being a doctor. Every rotation has brought its thrilling rewards. Rebecca has enjoyed every one of them, but surgery was always resting in the back of her heart and mind as the one specialty that would maybe capture her greatest interest. This rotation is going to help reveal her future!

In my observation, being a doctor is what God created Rebecca to do. Her motivation is genuine and a result of God’s guidance. The why of it all is centered on her love and devotion to Jesus Christ.

A fantastic explosion results from the collision of the internal joy of being God’s daughter with the external happiness of practicing medicine. This is what Rebecca is embracing and expressing this week.

Each of us has a need to be known. Rebecca lived the first two-thirds of her life unknown. And, in her belief, she was unwanted at worst and abandoned at best. If the wounds from that existence are repaired the person is fixed. Jesus was and always will be the answer to the wounds resulting from the decisions of others as well as our own.

What I see happening to Rebecca is nothing short of miraculous.

God has made Rebecca realize she is known by Him and expressed that realization by giving her a family that also knows and treasures her. Now she finds herself in the place of meeting the needs of others.

This is divine purpose!

“In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven” … the words of Jesus Christ in Matthew 5:16.