One of the primary building blocks for humanity from God is His creation of the family.
God is good by definition. His goodness was expressed for the good of mankind when he created male and female to come together in a lifetime covenant. Their oneness was the best environment in which children could be born and safely trained to become responsible adults.
God’s intent was for both husbands and wives, father and mother, to be the best version of themselves they could be. Their limitations could be minimized by the redemption of their lives from sin. Given the presence of God within them, they could be and do what they could not otherwise be or do without Him.
Sin and the forces of darkness have taken God’s design for family personally. They attacked His design within the very first family as one brother murdered another. Soon after this beginning, children began suffering from the lack of not only basic physical needs but emotional and spiritual needs as well. Wounds from parents have long-lasting effects that handicap many children in their development.
Every person needs a healthy and whole family. But not every person has that need met. Rebecca was one of those children. She was so young that she was not aware of the trauma she suffered in losing her father and mother when it happened. But as she was subsequently passed around to several locations with aunties who gave her a place to stay but not a home in which she was loved, she felt abandoned with no sense of belonging.
The consequences of that abusive and traumatizing childhood were immediately evident to my wife and me when we met Rebecca. Prompted by God, we approached Rebecca in 2016 to tell her we would like to legally adopt her … even though she was an adult. She consented. On August 18, 2016, Rebecca signed the documents of adoption and was granted that adoption by the United States of America.
I know of no deeper pain than that caused by the rejection or abandonment of a father or mother or both. It results in an orphan spirit … evidenced by fear, shame, independence, and often survival skills that prohibit trust in anyone other than self. Living a life of loneliness and abandonment wasn’t cured overnight when Rebecca signed her adoption documents, but it did set it in motion.
Rebecca living with her brother Dawson and his young family – January 2018 |
The good news is that LOVE WINS! The love of God can take back what the enemy has stolen. God can own, reclaim, and redeem what was lost. No weapon used by humans or evil spirits is strong enough to overcome the power of God’s love.
Rebecca and Olivia |
Over the past six years, God has replaced the multiple empty spots in Rebecca’s life with truth, revelation, freedom, purpose, and vision. God used family to convince her of His eternal and unconditional love for her. He used her adopted family members to convince her that she mattered, that she belonged, that she was treasured, and even natural birth couldn’t make her more family to us than she is.