
Exploding Happiness

Have you ever been so happy you thought you would explode?

I have. Like when my wife said YES to my marriage proposal over 55 years ago! And when each of my three biological children was born. When my two adopted children said yes to their adoption. All HUGE blessings I have experienced over the decades of my life.

What causes me happiness these days in my mid-70s is observing the kind of people my children have grown up to be. And observing how those God has allowed me to mentor have outdistanced me in their love and service to God.

Take, for example, the photo at the head of this post and the photo on your right. When I see that smile on the face of the founder and director of SOZO Dream Foundation I know that God is doing some great things through the organization. When I get to hear the details of Rebecca’s exploits in Northern Uganda … all the while as she is a fourth-year medical school student … well, the happiness inside of me makes me feel like I might explode!

Rebecca’s journey and effort with the inordinate needs of a broken down and neglected school … which is now called God’s Plan Nursery and Primary School … continue to reap a harvest from those seeds sown.

The first and immediate need the school had was for a sheltered classroom structure that would protect the students and staff from extreme weather conditions. Both the burning sun and torrential rain. Then God provided financial resources. Not only was a new school building constructed but desks were also crafted and installed in the school along with chalkboards.

The only resource for water was a depression in the soil that collected water when it rained. This water source has multiple water-borne diseases. But, there are no water wells for more than 15 kilometers from the school. With no other options, this was the drinking water for the students.

Additionally, the old and temporary toilet structure (seen here on your left) was collapsing and the teachers would not allow the students to enter it. Tragically, holes were dug for feces and urine was allowed to lay on the surface of the ground. This resulted in them further polluting the water hole when it rained.


When God gave followers of Jesus the privilege of loving people on His behalf He made it practical. Seeing such blatant needs and finding the solutions to meet those needs is a God-given gift Rebecca possesses.

So, imagine the happiness she had when the digging for the pit latrine began. Then, this past week, five slabs of concrete were poured, purchased, and will be transported to the latrine site when the digging is completed (see Rebecca’s happiness above as she posed with the slabs). A permanent structure will be completed on top of these slabs and the risk of diseases in the children and their teachers will decrease dramatically.

When Rebecca is happy I think God is pleased with how she lives her life. When I see what is on the ground through SOZO it makes me happy too. So happy that I feel like I might explode!

The Gospel has hands and feet like these projects Rebecca oversees. These expressions of practical love kick open the door for sharing the Good News of God’s love, grace, forgiveness, and redemption. Lives are being and will be transformed. And this makes me most happy!